Horizon Energy Services are proudly 100% locally owned and operated in New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand. Over the years, we've shared in our client successes, grown with them and supported them on their journeys.
We’re proud through the success of our business to be able to support many great charities and community groups in Taranaki.
Taranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust
Taranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust is the charity responsible for providing an emergency helicopter service for the region.
Taranaki Rugby Football Union
TRFU is the governing body of rugby in Taranaki and supports our top team the Port Taranaki Bulls, the ITM Cup 2014 champions.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Taranaki
Big Brothers Big Sisters offers a consistent 1 to 1 adult relationship that's designed to assist children and young people to face their everyday challenges.
NPOB Surf Life Saving
NPOB Surf Life Saving Club is a not-for-profit organisation that protects our community in the water by preventing injury and drowning.